Omega-3 could reduce preterm birth

/Carola van der Kooij

Every year, 11.000 babies are born early in the Netherlands (this is 7% of the total pregnancies in our country). Early birth means before 37 weeks of pregnancy. A baby is full term and ready to see the world after 39 weeks of pregnancy.

What can you do to make the risk of early birth smaller?

Different studies show that there is a positive outcome when women have a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy and move regular. This will reduce with 21 percent chance not to give birth early and other pregnancy complications.

A healthy lifestyle means; trying to manage your weight, doing something active every day, none smoking, no alcohol or taking drugs, staying mindful and work on your mental wellbeing.

A recent study from Dr. Susan Carlson, published in May 2021, shows the effect of Omega-3 on early births.

bron: see article

When I was pregnant, back in 2003 and 2007, the general advice was to eat once a week fatty fish like salmon and taking vitamin supplements like folic acid. These days ‘de Gezondheidsraad’ advices pregnant women to eat at least 2 portions of fish every week (salmon, mackerel or herring). If that’s not possible you should take omega-3 fish oil supplements. (200mg omega-3 per day)

What is Omega-3?

Omega-3 Fish Oil are polyunsaturated fatty acids, with ALA, EPA and DHA the most familiar.

Why take Omega-3 during pregnancy?

It stimulates the growth and development of the brain and eyes and baby’s eye-sight. And even for mom-to-be’s omega-3 is good for her brain (less pregnancy dementia), healthy for heart and blood vessels and also eye-sight.

By eating 2 times a week fatty fish with omega-3, you can make a big difference in the growth of your baby and the total length of your pregnancy.

Photo by Pina Messina/ Unsplah

Bron: Gynaecoloog M. Oudijk